Laboratory Work Experiment 1: Caspofungin Growth Curve The caspofungin plate spotting assay we set up last week did not show any differences between wild-type and apm4 Δ mutant strains in their ability to grow in the presence of various concentrations of caspofungin. Wild-type and apm4Δ Strains Appear to Grow Similarly in the Presence of Caspofungin. Wild-type (1st and 3rd rows) and apm4Δ mutant (2nd and 4th rows) strains were grown at 37˚C on a YPD plate supplemented with 0.16 µg/mL caspofungin. Because of this, we decided to do a literature search to find other caspofungin sensitivity assays in order to double check our results. With help from Harriet, I adapted an experiment which measured the OD 600 of cells growing in YPD media supplemented with various concentrations of caspofungin. As it would not be accurate to measure the OD of hyphal cells as an indication of total population size, we could only do this experiment with yeast. In additio...
I am an awardee of the Biochemical Society vacation studentship 2017 programme; and will be blogging about my summer experience in the Ayscough and Johnston laboratory at the University of Sheffield.